Farewell (Again) To Microsoft’s Most-Hated Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer

Microsft is finally (and officially) terminating Internet Explorer. But let’s have a quick look at its history as to why it went this far.

Microsoft Is Finally Getting Rid Of Flash Support From Windows 10, But When?

Flash Support

Microsoft has finally confirmed that it’s ending Flash support in your Windows 10, soon. But you can remove it right now… if you’re ready.

Otterbox Gaming Accessories Also Includes A Clip Designed For Your Xbox Controllers


For over 20 years, Otterbox has made a name for itself when it comes to phone cases of rugged designs. But this year, the company is planning to enter a new demographic that is mostly centered around gaming. While most of their products are for mobile, there are still some accessories that console owners will enjoy.

2021 Most Exciting Xbox Exclusives to Keep An Eye Out For

Xbox Exclusives

It’s the New Year again. And with the new year, comes announcements on the exclusive games that we’ll get to see for the new Xbox Series X platform. There’s going to be a bunch of games that will be coming for this next-gen console, so we’ve highlighted the ones we’re looking forward to the most.

Window’s Infamous Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD) Gets A Makeover

Blue Screen Of Death

Microsoft is planning to change the blue screen of death to better match the modern look and feel of its latest operating system.

Facebook Changed Name To Meta As Part Of ‘Metaverse’ Vision

Facebook Metaverse

Facebook has changed its name to Meta Platforms Inc. to reflect Mark Zuckerberg’s vision of the ‘metaverse’ and leave its dark past behind.

AI-Powered BeachBot Is Here To Help Clean Up Our Shores, One Butt At A Time


Beach litter is a recurring issue, and it’s damaging our waters beyond repair. The BeachBot Project is on a mission to clean up our shores.