Snowman Lost His Head Mario 64 DS Walkthrough?

Snowman Lost His Head Mario 64 DS Walkthrough: Embark on a frosty adventure in the enchanting world of Super Mario 64 DS. In this walkthrough, we’ll tackle the challenges of recovering a lost snowman head, defeating the notorious Bullies and emerging victorious against the formidable Boss 2. Get ready to don Mario’s iconic cap and discover the strategies required to overcome these obstacles and progress through the game.

Finding the Snowman’s Head – How do you get a snowman head?

To begin your quest to restore the snowman’s lost head, venture to the snowy landscape of Super Mario 64 DS. Explore the area until you come across a wooden platform with a giant snowball, eager to be reunited with its missing companion. Jump up to the ledge just above the chimney, then drop down to the platform on your left. There, you’ll find the snowball longing for its lost head.

To obtain a snowman head in Super Mario 64, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the Snowman: Begin by exploring the snowy landscapes of Super Mario 64. Keep an eye out for a snowman within the game’s various levels. The snowman may appear in stages like Cool, Cool Mountain or other snow-themed areas.
  2. Interact with the Snowman: Approach the snowman and initiate interaction by getting close to it. This will trigger a conversation or prompt that reveals the snowman’s dilemma — the loss of its head.
  3. Search for the Head: Once you’ve learned about the missing snowman head, embark on a quest to locate it. Explore the surrounding area, paying attention to nearby platforms, pathways, or hidden sections where the head might be hidden.
  4. Follow Clues and Cues: Keep an eye out for visual cues or clues that may guide you towards the snowman head. These hints can include tracks in the snow, arrows, or other indicators pointing you in the right direction.
  5. Retrieve the Head: Once you’ve located the missing snowman head, approach it and interact with it. Depending on the game mechanics, this may involve touching, collecting, or performing a specific action to retrieve the head.
  6. Reunite the Snowman: Return to the snowman with the recovered head in your possession. Approach the snowman again and initiate interaction to reunite the head with its body.
  7. Reward: Successfully reuniting the snowman with its head often leads to a reward or achievement within the game, such as earning a Power Star or unlocking new areas.

Remember, the specific steps and mechanics for acquiring a snowman head may vary depending on the level or version of Super Mario 64 you are playing. Pay attention to in-game instructions, dialogue, and hints to ensure a successful search and reunion with the snowman head.

Battling the Bullies – How do you fight the bullies in Mario 64?

In the vast world of Mario 64 DS, the menacing Bullies present a formidable challenge. To confront and overcome these adversaries, head to the designated location where the Bullies reside. Employ Mario’s agility and strategic movements to outwit them. Utilize well-timed jumps and precise movements to knock the Bullies off the platforms, ensuring their defeat and your continued progress.

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Fighting the Bullies in Mario 64 requires strategy and precision. Follow these steps to conquer these menacing foes:

  1. Locate the Bullies: Bullies can be found in specific locations throughout Super Mario 64. Keep an eye out for platforms or areas where these hulking enemies reside.
  2. Approach with Caution: Once you’ve spotted a Bully, approach it cautiously. They are known for their aggressive nature and attempts to knock Mario off platforms.
  3. Timing is Key: Timing your movements and attacks is crucial when facing Bullies. Wait for the right moment to engage them.
  4. Bump or Punch: There are two primary ways to fight Bullies. The first is to bump into them, using Mario’s body to push them off the platform. Position yourself carefully and aim for their backs or sides to maximize your chances of success.
  5. Punching Technique: Alternatively, you can use Mario’s punching ability to attack Bullies. Get close to them and press the punch button (usually the “B” button) to throw a punch. Aim accurately to strike the Bullies and send them tumbling off the platform.
  6. Avoid Falling Off: While fighting Bullies, be mindful of your own positioning. Make sure you don’t get pushed or knocked off the platform by their powerful attacks.
  7. Multiple Bullies: In some areas, you may encounter multiple Bullies simultaneously. Keep your focus on one Bully at a time and eliminate them methodically.
  8. Persistence and Practice: Defeating Bullies can be challenging, especially in later stages where they become more formidable. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t succeed on your first attempt. Keep practicing, refining your techniques, and observing their patterns to develop effective strategies.

Overcoming Boss 2: How do you beat the boss 2 in Mario 64?

Prepare for an epic showdown with Boss 2, a formidable adversary in Super Mario 64 DS. Navigate the treacherous terrain, utilizing your platforming skills to reach the boss’s lair. Study its attack patterns and exploit its weaknesses. Employ a combination of precise jumps, strategic movements, and well-timed attacks to chip away at the boss’s health. Persist and adapt until victory is achieved, unlocking further progress in the game.

Defeating Boss 2 in Super Mario 64 requires precise timing and skill. Follow these steps to conquer this formidable boss:

  1. Reach the Boss Arena: Navigate through the level until you reach the designated boss area. This area is often marked with unique architecture or a distinct entrance.
  2. Observe the Boss’s Behavior: Take a moment to observe the boss’s movement patterns and attack sequences. Understanding its behavior will help you strategize and anticipate its moves.
  3. Timing and Precision: The key to defeating Boss 2 lies in precise timing. Wait for the opportune moment to strike while avoiding its attacks.
  4. Attack Strategy: When the boss is vulnerable, typically after performing its own attack, seize the chance to strike. Choose your attack method, whether it’s jumping on its head or utilizing other abilities available to you in the game.
  5. Avoid Counterattacks: Be cautious as Boss 2 may counterattack if you’re hit or miss your opportunity to strike. Remain nimble and ready to evade its attacks.
  6. Repeat the Process: Boss battles in Super Mario 64 often require multiple successful hits to defeat the boss. Stay patient and persistent, repeating the attack pattern until the boss is defeated.
  7. Celebrate Victory: Once you successfully land enough hits to deplete the boss’s health, rejoice in your victory. Take pride in overcoming this challenge and progressing further in the game.
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Each boss battle in Super Mario 64 has its unique mechanics and strategies, so adapt your approach accordingly. Stay focused, learn from each attempt, and adjust your timing and attack strategy as needed. With perseverance and skill, you’ll emerge triumphant against Boss 2. Good luck on your quest to save Princess Peach and complete Super Mario 64!

Assisting The Snowman: How To Help The Snowman In Mario 64?

In your noble quest, it’s essential to lend a helping hand to the snowman in Super Mario 64 DS. Locate the snowman and interact with it to discover its predicament. Follow the provided clues to find the lost head or retrieve Mario’s hat from the snowman’s grasp. Embark on a journey across the snowy landscape, navigating various challenges and obstacles, until you successfully restore the snowman’s head or reclaim Mario’s cherished hat.

To assist the snowman in Super Mario 64, follow these steps:

  • Locate the Snowman: Explore the game’s various levels and keep an eye out for a snowman character. The snowman may appear in stages like Cool, Cool Mountain or other snow-themed areas.
  • Initiate Interaction: Approach the snowman and interact with it by getting close. This will trigger a conversation or prompt that reveals the snowman’s request for assistance.
  • Listen to the Snowman’s Request: Pay attention to the snowman’s dialogue or cues to understand how you can help. It might request a specific item, provide hints, or give instructions for completing a task.
  • Fulfill the Snowman’s Request: Once you have a clear understanding of what the snowman needs, set out to fulfill its request. This can involve finding an item, completing a puzzle, or overcoming a challenge in the level.
  • Explore the Level: Navigate through the level, exploring different areas and interacting with objects, characters, and the environment. Keep an eye out for the specific item or task required to help the snowman.
  • Solve Puzzles or Overcome Challenges: Depending on the snowman’s request, you may need to solve puzzles or overcome obstacles within the level. Use your platforming skills, special abilities, and items available to you to progress and complete the required task.
  • Return to the Snowman: Once you’ve fulfilled the snowman’s request, return to it to complete your assistance. Approach the snowman and interact with it again to trigger a response or reward.
  • Receive Rewards: Helping the snowman often results in a reward or achievement within the game. This may include unlocking new areas, earning Power Stars, or accessing additional levels.
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How To Get Hat Back From Snowman Mario 64?

To retrieve Mario’s hat from the snowman in Super Mario 64, follow these steps:

  • Locate the Snowman: Find the snowman within the game’s levels. The snowman may appear in stages like Cool, Cool Mountain or other snow-themed areas.
  • Interact with the Snowman: Approach the snowman and initiate interaction by getting close to it. This will trigger a conversation or prompt that reveals the snowman has Mario’s hat.
  • Initiate Dialogue: Speak to the snowman and listen to its dialogue. It may provide hints or instructions on how to retrieve the hat.
  • Follow Clues and Explore: Pay attention to any hints or clues provided by the snowman. These clues may guide you to the location of the hat or provide information on how to retrieve it. Explore the surrounding area, interacting with objects and characters to gather information.
  • Overcome Challenges: The retrieval of Mario’s hat may involve overcoming challenges, solving puzzles, or completing specific tasks within the level. Use Mario’s abilities, such as jumping, ground pounding, or utilizing power-ups, to navigate the obstacles and progress.
  • Retrieve the Hat: Once you’ve followed the clues and overcome the challenges, you’ll reach the location of the hat. Interact with the hat to retrieve it.
  • Revisit the Snowman: Return to the snowman with Mario’s hat in your possession. Approach the snowman again and initiate interaction to return the hat to its rightful owner.
  • Receive Rewards: Returning Mario’s hat to the snowman often results in a reward or achievement within the game. This may include unlocking new areas, earning Power Stars, or accessing additional levels.


With this comprehensive walkthrough, you now possess the knowledge to navigate the snowy realms of Super Mario 64 DS and overcome the challenges of recovering the snowman’s lost head, battling the Bullies, and emerging triumphant against Boss 2. Harness your platforming skills, adapt to the diverse obstacles, and enjoy the thrill of rescuing the snowman, defeating enemies, and progressing through this timeless Nintendo classic. Best of luck on your adventures with Mario and his friends!