As a player in Clash of Clans Town Hall 11 Base or TH11 (short for Town Hall 11) is a critical milestone. In TH11, new soldiers and spells are unlocked for the player’s use. As a consequence, it is normal for them to be indecisive about which TH11 base to employ, whether it be war, farm, hybrid or trophy.
In order to address that problem, I’ve chosen to write this piece. I’m going to show you 15 of the most effective Town Hall 11 Bases for Clash of Clans.
Numerous websites on the internet have simply copied and pasted links of the bases from other sources. Not in this site. In addition to providing a link to the base, I will also provide a brief explanation of the structure. Without further ado, I present to you the most powerful Clash of Clans Town Hall 11 Base 2022.
Clash Of Clans Town Hall 11 Base #1
There are four major structures in this base, including the town hall, clan castle, black elixir vault, and wizard tower. The centre is surrounded by five layers. Eagle artillery is stationed high above the focal point. The inferno tower, air sweeper, and tesla are all hidden in the upper right and lower left corners of the centre after that. elixir, bombs, and an air sweeper can be found near the bottom of the centre section. On the right side of the centre, you’ll find air sweepers, giant bombs, air bombs, and elixir storage. In addition to the town hall and clan castle, there are many more structures in the outer layer.
Clash Of Clans Town Hall 11 Base #2
In 2022, this is one of the best farming bases in Town Hall 11. The centre is dominated by the eagle artillery, town hall, clan castle, and dark elixir storehouse. A grand warden and air defence are located on the right side of the centre.
Clash Of Clans Town Hall 11 Base #3
At the very bottom of the centre is where you’ll find your air defence and x-bows. On the top side of the centre, there are two air defences and two concealed teslas, as well as an air cannon. Across the middle, on the left side, you’ll find elixir storage, air sweepers, and an inferno tower. Furthermore, the town hall’s outside divisions are entirely covered by other structures.
Clash Of Clans Town Hall 11 Base #4
The centre is dominated by the archer queen and the clan castle. The town hall is in the next section, which is just close to the centre. Wizard towers, air defence, eagle artillery, and an x-box can be found around the centre of the base.
Clash Of Clans Town Hall 11 Base #5
Four teslas, a town hall, x-bows, a clan castle, two inferno towers, an archer queen, spring traps, and eagle artillery are located in the centre of the base. Elixir collectors, gold storage tanks and cannons are located at the bottom of the centre. There are also two dark elixir drills at the base of the tower and two air bombs at the top. You can see a mortar, two giant bombs, elixir storage, gold storage and a grand warden at the top of the centre of the base. There is also a cannon and air bombs at the top of the centre of the base.
Clash Of Clans Town Hall 11 Base #6
The center area has gold storage, an eagle tower, a cannon, a gigantic bomb, a hidden Tesla, an archer tower, elixir storage, a cannon, an archer tower, and a mortar. In the same way, structures beyond the city gates are protecting the town hall, making it a top-notch Town Hall 11 base.
Clash Of Clans Town Hall 11 Base #7
The center of the base comprises the town hall, CLan castle, x-bows, wizard towers, eagle artillery, air sweeper, and inferno towers.
A barbarian king and an air bomb can be found on the left side of the centre gold store. Air defense, enormous bombs, elixir storage, and a wizard tower are located above the center. On the left side of the center, you’ll find a bomb tower, cannon, air defense, gold storage, an archer queen, a secret tesla, and a springtrap.
Clash Of Clans Town Hall 11 Base #8
At the center’s very bottom are a massive bomb, elixir store, air defence, a wizard tower, cannon, and gold mine. The offensive plan of your adversary will be thwarted by certain defensive structures beyond the walls.
Clash Of Clans Town Hall 11 Base #9
The town hall is clearly missing from this base. It’s because you can install more defenses in the centre and utilize other buildings as a diversion, and you’ll have a better chance of avoiding three stars.
Clash Of Clans Town Hall 11 Base #10
Eagle artillery and the archer queen are at the center of the clan castle. We also have an air sweeper and a giant bomb placed just over the center of the base. The same structures may be found below the centre as they are above. There are two elixir collectors and a wizard tower situated on the right side of the center. Two wizard towers, a gigantic bomb, and a great warden are situated on the left side of the centre.
Clash Of Clans Town Hall 11 Base #11
Dark elixir storage, an air sweeper, and an elixir storage in the middle make up this base’s equipment. Eagle artillery, X-bows, and archer queens are all located below the center. X-bow and gold storage are located above the center. Inferno towers can be found at the base’s apex on the right and left.
Clash Of Clans Town Hall 11 Base #12
Two cannons, an air bomb, a wizard tower, elixir storage, and air defence are all located to the right of the center. We have gold storage, a wizard tower, two cannons, and air defence in the next section. Outside the base, there is a giant bomb and archer tower, as well as the town hall. A clan castle, air sweeper, and mortar are on top of this compartment, making it one of the strongest town hall 11 farming bases in 2022. Other structures can be found beyond the fortified walls that surround the base.