Could Nano Diamond Batteries Revolutionize The Future of Power Production?

Nano Diamond Batteries

Could nano diamond batteries power the future? Just imagine, what if these batteries may only need a one-time charge across their lifespan?

Renewable Energy Is Now Europe’s Main Source Of Electricity, Beating Fossil Fuels

Renewable energy

Fossil fuels have always been the world’s main source of energy, but not until now. In 2020, some European countries have managed to shift to renewable energy as their main sources of electricity, which is an important milestone towards a carbon-free planet. Due to the rampant usage of natural gas and other forms of fossil … Read more

UK Startup Develops Pumped Hydro Technology To Turn Hills Into Enormous Batteries

Hydro Technology

A U.K.-based startup is planning to change the way we store energy. It involves a new system of pumped hydro technology on hills.