The gaming giant, Square Enix, said that it will allow 80% of its employees to work from home, starting on December 1, 2020. The company says that it is expected to designate around 80% of its employees as either “home-based” or “office-based”. However, the company said that the policy only targets the employees working in Japan.
There are many reasons for finally making this policy a permanent basis. These include creating a more flexible working environment, and in order to bolster productivity, its employees must have some optimal balance between work and personal time. According to their data, 80% of the employees had a positive view about the new policy.
Primary Reason For Work At Home: Creating A Flexible And Diverse Environment
Since employees will now work at home, they can take a break whenever they want. This gives a sense of freedom, instead of just being stuck in the four corners of the workroom. They can go outside to have some fresh air and revitalize themselves before continuing work once again. Being more flexible can boost your work mood and refresh your mental state.
Secondary Reason For Work At Home: Balancing Work And Personal Time
Similarly, being able to balance work and personal time also helps the overall employee health. Overworking is never good, and can lead to many negative effects. These include having mental block, slow reaction times, fatigue, or even depression.
Tertiary Reason For Work At Home: Healthy Welfare Improve Overall Productivity
The company believes that enforcing this employee-centered policy can lead to a healthier workforce. This in turn, will result in more productivity, because employees have a chance to replenish and refit. In a country that is known to be extremely work-focused, this permanent work from home policy might just be the right solution for ending work-related deaths annually.
More About The Policy…
Take note that being home-based means both home-based and office-based employees work for at least thrice a week on the average. Nevertheless, there are certain kinds of work that still require a physical presence in the office. But they can change their status on a monthly basis to decide which role should be based. It all depends on what kind of work they are assigned at.
Square Enix is just one of the companies which have pledged to continue to practice this policy, even when things go back to normal again. They hope that this policy will be well-adapted and improved in the future, whether during disasters or a ground for new employment models.
For those who didn’t know much about this company, they are the studio behind some of the well-known games around, such as Tomb Raider, Nier, Dragon Quest, and Final Fantasy games. Their strong dedication in providing entertainment has made their products some of the biggest games in the market today.
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