Why Is The Witcher 3 Still A Must-Play Five Years After It Got Out?

The Witcher 3

The Witcher 3 has made some phenomenal hype since its release, five years ago. Its first two games have gained worldwide distinction, and this sequel promised all of that plus an even bigger map ever created. Nowadays, following the hype of Triple-A game releases until the end, often just leads to disappointment, like what happened to its Cyberpunk 2077.

Grab One Of Our Custom Gaming Frame Art Bestsellers To Start 2021 On The Right Track!

Custom Frame Art

Having a lame room not only affects productivity but also your competitive gaming performance. So, why not add some wall accessories by checking out some of our custom frame art offers? Now is the right time to give your room some wall accessories in order to add more meaningfulness to it, and perk up your gaming experience.

Cyberpunk 2077 Early Access Review

Cyberpunk 2077

Every so often there is something that can bring everyone’s attention together. These things are often limited to a year in terms of appearances. However, a successful promotion can always make everyone go a little too crazy. That level of hype and fandom is something that all developers would dream of having. The studio CD … Read more

Is Cyberpunk 2077 Worthy And Deserving Of The Witcher Legacy?

The Witcher legacy

There’s this newly-released game called Cyberpunk 2077. Even though it went from a bad start due to some seizure-inducing scenes and other graphical problems, the game still has something in its sleeve, right? So, let’s dive in to check if the Cyberpunk 2077 worth and deserving of The Witcher legacy.