How To Install Tacotron2 In Vscode

How To Install Tacotron2 In Vscode

How To Install Tacotron2 In Vscode? Ever wished you could listen to your code, error messages, or documentation while coding? Tacotron2, a powerful text-to-speech (TTS) system, can make that a reality! By installing Tacotron2 in VS Code, you can transform written text into natural-sounding speech, enhancing your development experience and potentially boosting productivity. This comprehensive … Read more

China Gearing Up To Activate The World’s First Molten Salt Reactor

molten salt

Scientists in China have unveiled the design of the first-ever, molten salt reactor which is environmentally safer than conventional ones.

Why Is Cybersecurity Essential To COVID-19 Vaccines Distribution?

COVID-19 Vaccines and cybersecurity

The number of coronavirus cases has already gone to 73 million worldwide, but the COVID-19 vaccines bring potential relief. As more organizations are getting involved to distribute vaccines on every corner of the globe, it catches the dreadful eye of cyber thieves as well. This is a major concern that must be addressed before it’s too late

Should You Be Worried About Automated Writing Replacing Human Content Writers?

Automated Writing

Technology is becoming so advanced that it’s affecting human content writers. Let’s find out if automated writing will be the future of SEO.

The Mysterious Fuchsia OS Is Still In The Works, And it Needs Your Help

Fuchsia OS

It has already been four years since we’ve learned about Google’s mysterious project called Fuchsia OS. The company has been working on it behind closed doors, that’s why information regarding the project is limited. But what we know, Fuchsia is not Linux-based. Rather, it will use a microkernel called Zircon – which has massive and better scalability. It’s also unique because nobody really understands what the OS is for (yet). Add to it the fact that even those behind the project have all been remarkably coy since the beginning.

Sci-Fi Or Science: Who’s Inspiring The Other?

Sci-Fi or Science

Many people have been wondering about which came first: science inspiration or sci-fi? 20 years ago, someone pondered if science fiction could finally solve the alarming drop of students studying physics; and more recently told us that famous sci-fi movies, such as Star Wars and Star Trek, have inspired countless astronauts, physicists, and scientists of today. Knowing the relationship between science fiction and sci-fi is vital in order for us to know which came first.