How to Evolve Mantyke? Despite the new directions taken by Pokemon Sword & Shield due to its larger and bolder appearance, the game’s essential gameplay will be recognizable to longtime Pokemon fans. When it comes to game mechanics like Pokemon evolution, things remain mostly the same. Naturally, not all Pokemon evolve in the same manner. Mantyke, a Generation IV baby Pokémon with the dual types of Water and Flying, was first seen in the wild in Japan. When a Remoraid is in the party, it evolves into Mantine. How to evolve Mantyke in Pokemon Sword & Shield is the focus of the article, so read on!
To complete your Sword and Shield Pokédex, Mantyke is the next creature to be added. Thank goodness this time around it’s a lot less difficult. You had to breed to acquire any Baby Pokémon back then, and you had to use special items to aid you along the way. Mantyke breeding requires Wave Incense, which is still necessary today. However, there is another method. To know more, continue reading our guide on how to evolve Mantyke.
Mantyke is a Pokémon that has a striking resemblance to the manta ray in its natural habitat. The fins are large and flat, and the body is spherical. A pale blue underbelly contrasts with its dark-blue back. On its back are two red dots with white edges, and an arcing light-blue line. Each section has a slightly different pattern of patterns that together provide the image of a smiling face. Antennae on top of its head are long and curvy, and its black eyes have eyelash-like patterns on the undersides.
Mantyke, despite its looks, is an excellent swimmer. Ocean currents are detected by their antennas. There are a lot of friendly Mantyke and Remoraid that may be found around boats on the water surface. In many cases, it is used in conjunction with Remoraid to deter attackers. After spending some time with the Remoraid schools, Mantyke will finally turn into Mantine. Mantyke may be easily tamed because of their friendly personality. As a result, mantykes are a common sight at beaches where swimming excursions are being offered. Galar’s Mantyke seems to move more slowly because of the chilly water.
How to Get Mantyke
It is described as “quite lazy” in Mantyke’s Pokedex entry, which he attributes to the chilly waters near Galar. That implies Mantyke may be found near water, as you would think. Mantyke is a common sight around water. Just ride your bike, with aqua tires, to where it’s leaping and you’ll come face-to-face with it. Route 9, Lake of Outrage, and the Motostoke Riverbank are all good places to look for and capture one.
Mantykes can be evolved into another form called Mantines after they have been obtained.

How to Evolve Mantyke in Pokemon Sword & Shield
Wondering how to evolve Mantyke in Pokemon Sword & Shield? It is only when you have Remoraid in your party that Mantyke can organically evolve into Mantine. The clue comes from Remoraid’s Pokédex:
“It uses its dorsal fin as a suction pad to attach to the bottom of a Mantine to scavenge for leftovers.”
Remoraid, like Mantine, is a water-type Pokemon that is often spotted surfing near the water. Remoraid may be found at West Lake Axewell if you don’t already have one.
How to Catch a Remoraid
Mantyke can only develop into Mantine if you have a Remoraid in your party when it’s leveling up, and you must have one to do so. To capture a Remoraid, use the instructions below.
Make your way to a body of water.
Make your way to a body of water. Preferably, a freshwater lake. Face up against a Remoraid. To fight a Remoraid, either use a fishing rod or jump in with a Pokémon and engage in water combat.
Attempt to cripple and catch the Remoraid
You may use any of your party’s Pokémon to weaken it after you’ve faced one. You can capture it by throwing a Pokéball at it just before it’s ready to be knocked out (any Pokéball will do).
How to Level Up Mantyke
Once you have a Remoraid in your party, Mantyke can be leveled up. Fighting trainers, which can be located everywhere in the game, get you more XP than beating wild Pokémon. There is no set kind of battle that you need to undertake.
Fire, earth, and rock types (which are vulnerable to water Pokemon like Mantyke) can also be easily defeated. Use in-game goodies like Rare Candies if you’d rather not level up Mantyke by fighting other Pokémon.
It is possible to instantly level up your Pokémon by using Rare Candies. Only a single Rare Candy is required to develop Mantyke since the number of Rare Candies available in side quests and special stores varies from game to game.
What Mantine Does In Battle
Electric-type Pokémon should be your primary focus while using Mantine as a fighting Pokémon. As a flying and water-type, Mantine is equally vulnerable to Thunderbolts. Despite its unusual classification, it is more effective in combat against grass types than other water types. A wide range of basic moves, such as Scald, Hurricane, and Defog are now available to it.
- If you want to evolve your Mantyke, you need a certain Pokémon (Remoraid) in your party. Based on mutualistic relationships, two creatures that rely on each other for existence are considered symbiotic.
- Even though Mantyke’s patterns change by area according to its Pokédex entries in Pokémon Pearl, Black 2, White 2, X, Omega Ruby, Ultra Moon, and Shining Pearl, it has the same pattern in each game.
- As of this writing, Mantyke and Ledyba have the lowest basic attack of any flying-type Pokémon.
Everything you need to know about how to evolve Matyke in Pokemon Sword and Shield has been covered in this guide. Browse through our Pokemon Sword & Shield Guides and Wiki. you can use the search bar for more Pokemon Sword & Shield tips and tricks! Is there anything you’d want to know about how to evolve Matyke in Pokemon Sword & Shield? You can ask us in the comments below.