How Do I Get A Mount In Final Fantasy 14?

How Do I Get A Mount In Final Fantasy 14? Final Fantasy 14 has over 200 mounts that players can unlock by playing the game and completing various story mounts and achievements. Some of them have to help others, others have specific roles to play, or maybe bosses have to be defeated again and again to secure the item that the mountain summons.

There are several mounts in the game that only come out once or twice a year and some are incredibly easy to get hold of with a little time and patience. With so many beautiful frames, great music, and pleasing visual effects; now you are wondering how do i get a mount in final fantasy 14, most especially the best of the mount.

How Do I Get A Mount In Final Fantasy 14?

Fear not, friends of Final Fantasy 14! All these mounts can be easily obtained by playing the game. You are not allowed to put real money on this list as it is a completely separate list. Even if some of them are not currently available in the game, they will undoubtedly come back. Special events in this MMO will come back sooner or later.

A good example is that the GARO event has returned and has three potential mounts that can be unlocked via PVP. With hundreds of mounts to choose from, it can be difficult to figure out what to aim for.

Top 7 Mount in Final Fantasy 14

  • Gilded Mikoshi
  • Forgiven Reticence
  • Sabotender Emperador
  • Cerberus (Raid)
  • Regalia G-Type
  • Astrope

Here are some great tips if you are concerned about how do i get a mount in final fantasy 14?

How Do I Get A Mount In Final Fantasy 14?
How Do I Get A Mount In Final Fantasy 14?

1.      Gilded Mikoshi (Gil)

The regular Mikoshi mount in Final Fantasy 14 needs time for the daily missions of the Namazu Beast Tribe. It’s very easy to do, but it’s simple. It’s nice that Namazu helps carry Warriors of Light around, but what if there was an enthusiast?

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If a player has 50 million Gil lying around, they can go to Rowena’s House of Glory and talk to Edelina. Ask for luxury items and there is only one thing to buy: the Gilded Mikoshi. Is it exaggerated, garnish, and ridiculous? Of course, it is. But that’s one more reason to own it. It is a luxury incarnate.

2.      Forgiven Reticence (Hunting)

Shadowbringers had some incredible monster designs, especially the Sin-Eaters. The white, stately monsters would make great mounts if a player spends enough time completing daily/weekly hunts. This is a mount that is frankly very easy to unlock with enough time and dedication.

It requires 3,200 Nuts, which are a reward for killing the various hunting targets in Final Fantasy 14. It is a beautiful mount, a winged lion with a crown, and it stands out everywhere.

3.      Sabotage Emperador (Golden Saucer)

The Sabotender Emperador mount in Final Fantasy 14 is another mount that is frankly easy to get; with time and a lot of patience. Why is that? It is unlocked at Gold Saucer for a whopping 2 million MGP (Gold Saucer currency).

Players waiting for the Make It Rain event will find it easier as all MGP is doubled during this time. The giant Sabotender brings the joy and brightness of the Gold Saucer to every part of the world. This particular mount is one the author is currently working on to unlock in-game.

Occasionally, these mounts appear in other ways, such as in the Wandermoogle event. Occasionally, it offers the Kamuy mounts for sale when players collect the required number of stones. Once you get all the mounts, go to Rhalgar’s Reach and talk to Eschina.

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4.      Cerberus (raid)

An absolutely massive, beautiful mount, it’s the three-headed Cerberus boss that players know from way back in Final Fantasy 14. This one is incredibly simple and incredibly frustrating at the same time.

Unlock Delubrum Reginae (Savage) and complete it. That is it! It is a very challenging raid, the completion of which unlocks this fantastic mount for all players. It’s the achievement reward, so don’t worry if you try to drop this.

5.      Regalia Type-G (special)

Most Final Fantasy 14 mounts are single-seater, with the occasional two-seater. Final Fantasy 14, Regalia Type-G is a four-seater, just like the game it came from.

Unfortunately, this sleek car that plays a familiar tune from FFXV is not currently available in the game. But like all events, it will undoubtedly come back.

Players must complete the Final Fantasy XV event and then purchase it from Gold Saucer. 200,000 MGP is also a very reasonable price. If you do the weekly fashion report, so much will accumulate in a very short time. It even flies and flaps its wings like in FFXV.

6.      Astroph (special)

Oh, Astron. The hopes and dreams of so many Final Fantasy 14 players rest on this mighty mount. A large winged unicorn, it is gold plated and bright white in color. While there are tons of horses involved, none of them compare to Astrope. It’s also a two-seater, which is rare enough.

It is also possibly one of the most difficult mounts to obtain in the entire game. Players must complete 2000 obligations in Mentor Roulette, which are subject to a special unlock requirement.

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The player must even be a mentor to do that. To be a mentor you have to complete every quest for healers, tanks, and a DPS class. You will then need 1,500 player recommendations and 1,000 completed instanced tasks.

Then that player can play Final Fantasy 14 Mentor roulettes and work towards that mountain! Is it worth it? No doubt. There are fewer ways to show how much a player knows and likes Final Fantasy 14 than driving around Astrope.


There are several mounts in the game that only come out once or twice a year and some are incredibly easy to get hold of with a little time and patience. With so many beautiful frames, great music, and pleasing visual effects; now you don’t need to wonder how do i get a mount in final fantasy 14 as we have helped you with that.